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CO Certificate of Origin

C.O. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN, also known as general Certificate of Origin, is a kind of certificate of Origin. C.O. Certificate of origin is a document used to prove the export of the goods and the place of manufacture. It is a certificate of "origin" of the goods in international trade. It has the following functions:

1. Determining the tariff treatment of products and an important tool to improve market competitiveness; C.O. Certificate of origin is a valid certificate for customs to collect customs duties and implement differential treatment. If there is a tariff agreement between the governments of the importing country and the exporting country, AGREED CUSTOMS RATE has been agreed in the form of a treaty, or MOST FAVORED NATION CLAUSE has been agreed in a treaty between the two countries. The BUYER often requires THE SELLER to provide a valid certificate of origin to prove that the origin of the imported goods is in the other contracting country in order to obtain the corresponding tax rate treatment.

2. C.O. Certificate of origin also plays the role of proving the inherent quality of commodities and improving the competitiveness of commodities. If THE silk THAT HOLDS Chinese CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN ON THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET COMPARES THE SILK THAT HOLDS OTHER DOES NOT PRODUCE SILK COUNTRY CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN TO BE ABLE TO SELL GOOD PRICE MORE. In addition, the certificate of origin is sometimes a necessary document for the transfer and settlement of exchange between trade parties. Where the buyer often requires a C.O. certificate of origin for his/her own benefit when applying for a letter of credit (L/C), the bank also often uses C.O. The Certificate of Origin is an important proof for the payment of L/C.

3. Responsible for the statistics of import and export goods, the certificate of origin is an important basis for the customs to conduct statistics of import goods.

4. Differential quantity control by the importing country of goods is an instrument of trade management. According to their trade policies, countries in the world, in order to protect their industrial production and the needs of international trade competition, often impose restrictions on some goods and formulate some measures to control the quantity of imported goods, such as import quota, license system, anti-dumping and countervailing system. In order to implement these control systems, it is necessary to first determine which country the goods are imported from, then determine whether the goods are subject to import quantity restrictions, whether import licenses are required, whether quotas are written off and anti-dumping, countervailing duties are imposed... Certificate of origin has become an important tool to implement these systems.

FORM-A (China-EU Inclusive Certificate)

The GENERalised System of Preferences, or GSP, is a tariff system in which developed countries (donor countries) give preferential treatment to the importation of certain suitable products from developing countries (recipient countries) with reduction or duty-free treatment. Our country is a developing country, there are Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Japan, Norway, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Canada and Poland and other 22 countries implement GSP to our country. FORM A Certificate of origin is the legal proof that the original products of the favored country can enjoy the preferential treatment of tariff reduction and exemption when exported to the favored country.

The FORM A certificate of origin is different from the general certificate of origin. The general certificate of origin is A valid certificate to enjoy the MFN treatment, while the GSP FORM A certificate of origin is a valid certificate to enjoy the GSP reduction and duty-free treatment.

FORM-E (China-Asean Inclusive Certificate)

Asean members are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

105 Brunei Brunei, 107 Cambodia, 112 Indonesia, 119 Laos,PDR, 122 Malaysia Malaysia, 106 Myanmar, 129 Philippines, 132 In Singapore, 136 Thailand, 141 Vietnam, the commodities given tariff preference are agricultural and sideline products in HS code Chapter 1-8, and the products under this category enjoy zero tariff treatment.

FORM F (China - Chile Certificate of Origin)

Under the China-Chile Free Trade Agreement, Chile implemented zero tariffs on 5,891 products from China immediately, and reduced tariffs on 1,859 products to zero in a phased manner within 10 years. Only 152 products were excluded from the preferential treatment. The Inspection and Quarantine Authority shall issue the Certificate of Origin (FORM F) of CHINA-CHILE Free TRADE Area to the products exported from Chile by US under this Agreement as of the date of implementation of this Agreement.

The Inspection and Quarantine Authority shall issue the Certificate of Origin (FORM F) of CHINA-CHILE Free TRADE Area to the products exported from Chile by US under this Agreement as of the date of implementation of this Agreement.

From the effective date of FTA, the inspection and quarantine institutions are responsible to sign and issue China-Chile FTA Certificate of Origin (FORM F) for products exported to Chile form China under FTA.

The card

The countries that signed the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement are: South Korea, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Laos.